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Thursday, January 20, 2005
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Learn love lessons from famous celebrity breakups
KRT Wire | 01/18/2005 | Learn love lessons from famous celebrity breakups:What lessons can we learn from Britney and Justin's breakup? Andrea Lorenz of Knight Ridder Newspapers says:
"Shut your mouth. People are going to ask you to rehash details of the breakup. Let rumors go uncorrected. Shortly after his breakup with Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake shared details with Barbara Walters (and the country). Spears spilled her grief in magazine interviews. Even if it's your cousin and not the tabloids asking, keep quiet. The more you talk about it, the more you're going to grieve."
That's good advice for anyone. I'm sure Britney would agree after what Justin did to her on national TV.
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